Goal: $20,000.00
Specific Need
Redhawk First Steps Scholarship
Through the generosity of the Hiawatha school district’s alumni, patrons, and businesses, the Hiawatha USD 415 Educational Foundation established the Redhawk First Steps Scholarship in 2022. The scholarship was created to encourage and support students taking college coursework while still in high school. By enrolling in dual credit courses through Highland Community College, students get a jump start on their college career. This scholarship helps students who may not otherwise be able to pay for a college class.
Donations through the Hiawatha Community Foundation not designated for a specific purpose will be used for future Redhawk First Steps Scholarships. The foundation’s goal is to help as many students as possible with an emphasis on those with the greatest financial need.
In its first two and a half years, the Redhawk First Steps Scholarship has assisted 51 students by paying $22,321 toward 209 credit hours.
As students and parents learn about the scholarship, more students are applying. The Foundation would like to help as many students as possible, so our goal this year is to raise $20,000.
Thank you for your consideration in helping provide Hiawatha students with a head start as they prepare for life after high school.
The Foundation's purpose is to promote and further the advancement of services and facilities available; and encourage and facilitate the contribution of funds for the use of the district's schools, teachers, administrators and students in the accomplishment of the district's public educational purpose.