Ruby Slipper Goat Rescue

Goal: $10,000.00

Specific Need

Your generous support of the handicapped goats during the match day fundraisers the past three years has changed many lives. You have not only helped to change the world for these special goats, but you have helped many people who find their stories of survival to be inspiring and helpful in their own journeys and difficulties in life.

Ruby Slipper Goat Rescue has a need in 2024 to raise funds for updates on the current special needs goats wheelchair carts. Also, Betty, who is a little goat that was rescued in Novemeber 2023, has some ongoing needs for veterinary care due to a bone infection in her femur. She may need surgery in the future and may need a custom made brace for her good leg to support her. The rescue also has a goal to have electricity and a water hydrant run to the special needs goat barn area. Improved security cameras in the special needs goat area are also needed.  Any additional funds raised will go towards the handicapped goats veterinary fund, medications, feed, hay, and bedding for the rescued goats.

Thank you so much for your support!


Ruby Slipper Goat Rescue has been a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization since 2016 and provides care and rehabilitation for goats with illness and/or injury that would otherwise be discarded or left to suffer without the care they need.

Photos & Videos

Pixie received two custom made prosthetic back legs from the funds raised in 2023.
Pixie received two custom made prosthetic back legs from the funds raised in 2023.
Betty was rescued in 2023 near Hiawatha. She was very sick, injured and unable to walk.
Betty was rescued in 2023 near Hiawatha. She was very sick, injured and unable to walk.
Pixie was rescued in 2022 after her back legs were eaten off by rats.
Pixie was rescued in 2022 after her back legs were eaten off by rats.
The 2022 donations went toward this new shelter and pen for Holly and Mateo.
The 2022 donations went toward this new shelter and pen for Holly and Mateo.
The funds raised from the match days last year in 2021, paid for a portion of this special goat barn
The funds raised from the match days last year in 2021, paid for a portion of this special goat barn
Holly has not gotten a custom wheelchair cart yet due to casting and build difficulty.
Holly has not gotten a custom wheelchair cart yet due to casting and build difficulty.
Mona-she was severely injured and neglected at a farm in northeast Kansas .
Mona-she was severely injured and neglected at a farm in northeast Kansas .
Patrick-paralyzed as a newborn after being injured by a pig at a farm in southern Missouri.
Patrick-paralyzed as a newborn after being injured by a pig at a farm in southern Missouri.
Maddie-Paralyzed by a donkey as a newborn at a farm in Missouri.
Maddie-Paralyzed by a donkey as a newborn at a farm in Missouri.
Dorothy-Born with genetic deformities in all of her legs. She had major surgery at K-State in 2020.
Dorothy-Born with genetic deformities in all of her legs. She had major surgery at K-State in 2020.
Pearl came to the rescue from Indianapolis. She had an illness that she could not survive.
Pearl came to the rescue from Indianapolis. She had an illness that she could not survive.
Molly was brought to the rescue from a local farm. She was born with neurological issues.
Molly was brought to the rescue from a local farm. She was born with neurological issues.
Holly with new rescued baby goat, Mateo. Mateo is also completely paralyzed from injury.
Holly with new rescued baby goat, Mateo. Mateo is also completely paralyzed from injury.
Mateo was rescued from Augusta, Kansas and is paralyzed.
Mateo was rescued from Augusta, Kansas and is paralyzed.
Patrick and Andy. Both are paralyzed from injury. Andy was rescued from St. Louis in 2022.
Patrick and Andy. Both are paralyzed from injury. Andy was rescued from St. Louis in 2022.
Rescued goat, Andy and grandbaby Paxton in front of the new handicapped goat barn.
Rescued goat, Andy and grandbaby Paxton in front of the new handicapped goat barn.


1583 280th St; PO Box 60
Hiawatha, KS 66434
Phone: (785) 741-3362

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